Dark Blue
P 106 - 16 C
HEX: #07074e
CMYK: 100% 100% 26% 42%
RGB: 7 7 78
Dark Red
P 56 - 16 C
HEX: #790016
CMYK: 27% 100% 98% 36%
RGB: 121 0 22
HEX: #1a1a1a
CMYK: 73% 67% 65% 78%
RGB: 26 26 26
We needed to replace an existing stairs with a new steel stairs designed by Stair Zone. Drawings were accurate and delivery on time. Great place to design and purchase your own stairs.
A very impressive facility and an even more impressive process. After seeing the size of the operation, I would have thought that you guys would not have had any time for a small order like mine but I never felt that for one minute during the whole process.
I had a small project where I needed to transition from floor level down to exterior grade which was only 3’. [Stair Zone] helped me design a simple L shaped stairway that would hold up to the elements, cost effective and simple to install. The turnaround time was pretty quick and the stairs fit perfectly in their place. I went back and forth with [Stair Zone] to get the measurements just right for the situation and it turned out great!